Friday, February 11, 2011

My Journey with Beachbody

I have personally used Beachbody products for several years now, and they work.  I am also a Certified Personal Trainer, and feel both have value.  When you need motivation, accountability, form critique to ensure you are doing the exercises correctly, you need a Personal Trainer.  In between sessions, I recommend these products to keep you moving, and give you additional options.  Boredom can be a major factor in working out consistently, and changing your workout routine from time to time is needed to create that muscle confusion and add variety.

Here is where I walk the walk....Check out my before and after pictures from using Power90 and P90X.  Now I throw in other routines for variety (Insanity, Slim in 6, Chalean Extreme, and Brazil Butt Lift).

Beachbody has also provided me several amazing opportunities!  I was the Female Million Dollar Body $10000 winner in January, 2007, won $300 in WOWY (Work Out With You) on January 3,2008, and was flown to Los Angeles, CA in March, 2007 to appear in the Power 90 infomercial (I'm in the back demonstrating bands halfway through).  I always wondered if people ever won these things, and I can say unequivocally, YES!

The same thing can happen to you!  Join WOWY for a chance to win $300 cash and other prizes daily just for logging your workouts into WOWY Supergym.  And once a week, someone wins $1000 - just for working out!  Best of's FREE!!! Here's how.
  1. Go here to register for WOWY  (www.PeakWellnessStudios)
  2. Click the JOIN image on the web site
  3. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the grey button for FREE Membership.
  4. Fill in your information and start logging your workouts daily
  5. It's that simple!  :-)
    This will also place me as your Independent Team Beachbody Coach, and you can email me with questions or sign up as a Coach yourself to start inspiring others. I look forward to working with you and helping you reach your fitness goals!

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