Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Saga of the Traveling Necklace

It is still amazing to me how a small kindness can manifest into something even more beautiful.  Random acts of kindnesses have ways of traveling far beyond the initial recipient.  They are like the waves formed when you drop a pebble into a lake.  You don’t know who and how many people you are affecting when you act with kindness, compassion, and unconditional love.

Some people think one person can’t make significant changes…..what about Gandhi?  …what about Jesus?   I think the question would more appropriately be ‘You’ don’t think you can make significant changes.  That may or not be you, dear reader.  If it is, read on.  If not, maybe there is someone you know who thinks like this, and can share this message with them. 

I attended the Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) seminar created by T. Harv Eker.  I highly recommend it if you’ve never heard of it.  I liked it so much, I decided to volunteer at the next event in our area.  When I arrived for setup, I met a woman who had volunteered several times, and was excellent at directing us where to go and what to do.  We talked several times throughout the course about health and nutrition, and during one of our breaks, the group had the opportunity to go through the same break-through experience the attendees were going to.  When we got to this person, they stated what they were breaking through, and completed the task.  I was surprised, because what they said they were breaking through was ‘Poor Self Esteem.’  I never would have guessed it.

After the event was over, the staff took us out to dinner.  I was unable to stay for long as I had to go back to work early the next morning.  I took turns hugging and saying goodbye to each person, and told them whatever came into my mind to give.  When I got to this person, I whispered in their ear, ‘You know what you wrote down that you were breaking through?’  She nodded yes.  I leaned back over and said, ‘I just want you to know I never would have guessed that.  It’s all on the inside….you can’t see it from the outside.’  We both teared up, and as we pulled away from each other, she told me she liked my necklace.  She asked me where I got it from, and what it meant.  It was a silver chain necklace with a small whale’s tail on it.  I told her I got it in Hawaii, and it meant to me ‘peaceful strength.’  I reached behind my neck, and started taking it off.  She started to say ‘No, she couldn’t take it,’ but stopped herself because one of the things we learn in the course is how to be a good receiver. She thanked me as I placed the necklace around her neck.  We hugged again, and I left.

Several weeks later, I felt the need to call her.  She answered the phone, and we started talking.  She laughed because she usually didn’t answer the phone when she didn’t recognize the number and it was not local.  It was also the perfect time as her family was out of the house.  As we caught up on each other’s lives, she stopped and said ‘I have to tell you about the necklace you gave me.’    

‘I have this friend who is such a girly-girl.  I’m not, and I don’t know why we are such great friends, but we are.  She’s beautiful, wealthy, and has a beautiful home, jewelry, and clothing.  I told her the story surrounding the necklace, and she was very touched by it.  A few weeks later, we were at a party, and she came up to me.  She asked me for a favor and told me to feel free to say No.  She said when I felt I didn’t need the necklace anymore, could she have it?  I was shocked because this was a woman who had all these beautiful rings, necklaces, etc., and wanted a simple silver chain with a whale’s tail on it.  I told her I would.’ 

I laughed and said that was beautiful.  I was so happy, and told her this sounded like the ‘Saga of the Traveling Necklace.’  I told her that our energy remains on items, and I passed the necklace on to her with the intention of finding peaceful strength inside and out.  When she felt ready to pass the necklace on, her energy would be imprinted as well, and she should pass on her intention to the new owner.

I am always amazed at how great things can come in small packages.  I hope this necklace finds its way into many people’s lives, and helps them all find the peace inside and out to make this world a better place.  

Since this first necklace, I have given away a few more as I felt guided.  If you feel this story could touch someone's life, please feel free to share this link with them.  Below are some whale's tail necklaces found on Amazon. Feel free to purchase one there or elsewhere on the web or use the item you feel guided to give someone.  It's all about the intention.  Namaste!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful story. I look forward to the next installment. I, too, have been recipient and giver of jewelry with healing intent. It is a wonderful river flowing around the world. Thanks for sharing.

    Lyneah, Body, Soul & Angels
